JELB policy development

Just Environment Long beach is a coalition made of up 3 local non profits including Healthy Active Streets, East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice and the Long beach Alliance for children with asthma. JELBs goal is to create a greenzones policy in the city of Long Beach that is informed and led by community. Over the past 5 years JELB has been organizing in Long Beach, specifically in west, north and some parts of east long beach. All of our communities are disproportionately affected by equity, environmental racism, food access and lack of mobility infrastructure. This workshop will help us get closer to creating a policy that will better the lives of folks in disadvantaged communities. 

we will be providing free refreshments and lunch, you can expect to learn 


  • Learn about the components of a successful advocacy campaign. 
  • Practice developing part of the strategy for a Long Beach-specific Green Zones advocacy campaign. 
  • Better understand the process of developing a policy brief.



Kaitlyn Jeffrey Cristhian Tapia Cecilia Su'a

Will you come?